
I’ve always loved building things.

When I was a boy, my parents gave me an “Invention Room” for Christmas. It was really just an unfinished part of our basement under a new name, but I loved it. I spent many hours in there messing around with my great-grandpa’s shortwave radios, taking apart old computers, and (my personal favorite) building electromagnets for DIY motors. Plus I only shocked myself from the mains twice - wins all around.

In middle school, every student was given a laptop, and I became the tech guy. Everybody came to me for help, including my grandparents. I learned how to dual-boot my computer (only breaking the MBR once), configure port forwarding on my family’s router, jailbreak phones, and much more.

When I got to high school, I decided to join the robotics team. I quickly learned to code and started leading the programming team. From there, I became obsessed with computer vision, machine learning, and app development - skills that I’ve applied to the personal projects you see on this site.

In my free time, I fly Cessna 172’s, play piano, practice guitar, and dream of designing yachts for billionaires.

✈️ 🎹 🎸 ⚓️

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur C Clarke

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